Refuse Collection Truck

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6693 Refuse Collection Truck
Set information:
Community rating:
LEGO Classic
LEGO Classic
(15 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Maintenance
Review's author:
LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 9d 6h
2015, mar 18 08:25

Klasyka LEGO
Catalog entry
Garbage accompany us every day. Each of us throws packaging, various unneeded papers or spoiled food. Rubbish sooner or later must be exported in the right place, otherwise it would be impossible to function properly and flies would took control over the place. What would be ordinary city without garbage collector? Someone finally has to do the dirty work. This set introduces us such a vehicle. The only garbage collector in the 80s with yellow and red colors. I suspect that it suceeded greatly and there was no need to do create any other similar vehicle. On the other hand, Lego always put quality first rather than the quantity. Therefore, we have one detailed, polished and very interesting garbage truck instead of 10 of similar and less elaborate. Please note that this is the only garbage collector in Town theme, which is able to collect garbage from the standard trashcan. Another garbage collector from the 90s 6668-1: Recycle-Truck is also an interesting design, but collects garbage containers and not the ordinary trashcans. Standard bricks has been ingeniously used here for the construction of a fully functional garbage truck. The only unusual brick is the bottom of the lift. Red 2x3 brick, which can also be used as a seat.
The truck could be seen in many presentations from 80s.
LEGO Classic
Source: 1988eu3.pdf Catalogue 1988 EU III: Page 20 and 21: Town
I was able to recreate one of them in Retor-Town scenery.


Klasyka LEGO
Klasyka LEGO
Emptying container
 Garbage truck has a lift specifically designed for ordinary trashcan. Two trashcans are included in this set, enough to be able to test the truck. Lift moves on two ordinary hinges and it can easily empty the contents of the trashcan into a  container by raising up. Garbage will remain in the container as the slot is built at the bottom. Truck can collecta few trashcans and finally it will have to go to the right place to empty the whole container. The container can be raised and the back flap opens upwards. Simple and ordinary operation. The container can be easily be emptied of collected garbage and the truck can go to collect new ones.
Two employees are included in this set. The driver and worker whose job is to put trashcans on the lift. 
Klasyka LEGO
 Both workers have blue outfits. The driver has a jacket with two pockets. This outfit has been used in other cleaning sets such as 6645-1: Street-Sweeper. The second worker has the usual blue apron and a black peaked cap.


Klasyka LEGO
Emptying trashcan from house
 Garbage truck is required in any civilized city, you simply must have this set if you plan to build a town scenery. In addition, it is worth noting that most of the town buildings sets have trashcans included. Virtually all private houses like 6349-1: Holiday-Villa or public service 6380-1: Emergency-Treatment-Center. Designers definitely refined everything to the last button. Sets fit with each other in a whole perfect layout. Having couple of houses and a few street plates you will feel that something is missing - this will be a garbage truck.

Alternative constructions

There are several proposals for alternative constructions, we can find them, as always, at the back of the packaging.The proposed structures are:
- Tipper Truck - very cool design worthy of mentioning.
- Another version of the garbage truck - American style truck with a beak.
- Off-road car with driveway- A small bulldozer with a container
- A smaller version of the garbage truck with an open container and lift for trashcan.

Many interesting structures can be found on the cover of one small package. Quality at a high level.

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