Mobile Command Unit

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6676 Mobile Command Unit
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LEGO Classic
LEGO Classic
(6 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Police
Review's author:
LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 8d 20h
2016, may 11 15:33

LEGO Classic
Catalog entry
A lot of police vehicles can be found in Town theme, but it is noticeable that the designers tried to make each one different. Mobile police unit is available in this set in the form of a truck with the possibility of road block if necessary. This is not the first such truck, but previous differed considerably.
LEGO Classic
Police trucks
Van available in a set of 6681-1: Police-Van dates back to the begining of Town theme, the 1981 year. Even then, you could block traffic by police van with two cones of blue light and a standard roadblock. The second vehicle came out in the same year as a mobile unit, available in a set of LEGO-6450. This set, however, belongs to a small group of sets with audio-visual features. The vehicle itself can't accommodate much as it holds a big 9V battery, which powers the flashing lights and police sound. Although, it still contains two road signs. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the presentation in the original catalog where the vehicle would be entirety visible. I've found the presentation shown below only, where you can see the specific and unique road block barrier, which comes with this set along with a policeman.
LEGO Classic
Catalog's presentation from 1987


LEGO Classic
The vehicle
Truck is very similar structurally to the camper van in 6388-1: Holiday-Home-with-Campervan set. At the front a brick with grill print to the radiator is placed. The roof is not hinged this time, you need to remove the upper brick to settle the driver. Title 'police' is visible from each side of the vehicle. The front at the a roof, side walls, and even on the back.
LEGO Classic
Inside the van
Whole side of the vehicle opens up on two wide hinges. Inside the vehicle you can find a large map and a computer. Mobile unit is able to communicate with the command center easly if necessary. At the rear of the vehicle a high antenna with a small satellite to strengthen the signal was mounted. Two police officers are responsible for the truck. One in black overalls and second in the black suit. Both in white caps with a narrow peak. One is the driver and second is an operator occupying a place inside the vehicle in front of the computer.
Truck in all its glory can be seen in one of my sceneries - Aeropolis.
LEGO Classic

That's not all, because in this set a large amount of accessories is present. You have to be careful to not to loose it alll!
- Two barriers with a unique sticker, which was available in this set only
LEGO Classic
Surveillance Squad
- Photo radar with a green light and a lever
- Gray megaphone
- signal holder with red light
In summary, this is definitely a unique design, even by way of the roof construction at the front of the vehicle or by barriers used here. A small truck may be helpful while blocking the road during the accident. Successor of this vehicle is his big brother - 6348-1: Surveillance-Squad released in 1994. This set offers a large truck to remotely conduct reconnaissance operations.

Alternative constructions

LEGO Classic
What can we find this time? A surprising number of 4 ideas! 100 bricks only, but we can make the police jeep with a barrier or alternative version of the truck with back flap. More interesting proposals can be seen at the back of the packaging. In time, they will appear listed in the bottom section of the alternatives. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most interesting aspects of old Lego sets giving additional hours of fun with set and a field for the imagination development.

2016, mar 28 14:47 (105 months, 28 days ago) by Rogdush
2016, jun 7 14:28 (103 months, 17 days ago) by Rogdush
13 times
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