This set provides us an ordinary sedan car in red color with a black roof. Such cars can be found in several sets in Town theme. For example, in a house set 6374-1: Holiday-Home similar sedan is present. All vehicles of this type were made using the same pattern, that's why they all fit together perfectly and there is no problem with placing all of them in one town scenery. Similar thing is with the small cars without rear trunk, like 6501-1: Sport-Convertible. Patterns were used in many places and that is why all the sets can be joined together without a problem. The following catalog's presentation from 1985 shows some of the town sets from the 80s with the car reviewed here. Doesn't it all look nice and fits well ?
Catalog presentation from 1985
Car and mechanic
The vehicle has an openable mask and distinctive yellow seat inside. However, this is not an ordinary set of a car. Mechanic has an additional set of tools and computer for balancing and tire changing
along with the car jack. Two additional tires are included with gray rims. An interesting and unique combination. This surely gives more play possibilities. Of course, the jack fits into any small car available in Town theme and some of the cars on the big tires. Therefore, the mechanic can handle the exchange and balancing of tires in most of the vehicles available with Town theme.
Alternative constructions
Set has 58 bricks only and up to four alternative proposals available at the back of the packaging can be found! Designers definitely was not wasting time. Cabriolet car, tractor with a platform to repair, six-wheeled bulldozer and tractor with a wide rear wheels. Fun guaranteed for an extra hours. All alternatives will appear over time in this review.