Police Helicopter

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6642 Police Helicopter
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Community rating:
LEGO Classic
LEGO Classic
(8 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Police
Review's author:
LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 8d 12h
2015, mar 20 19:52

Klasyka LEGO
Catalog entry
 Several independent sets with helicopters were released in Town theme. However, 1988 year was a breakthrough, because several new bricks were introduced in this year. New helicopter's windshield in form of a dome or new more durable helmets with openable glass. In addition, the propellers also changed, the tail rotor is smaller and the brick with axle may be also used for mounting the small wheel. Similarly, the axis of the main propeller, which can be used with semi-circular 2x3 brick with a hole as the trailer's hook. propeller.  
Klasyka LEGO
Fire Copter from 1985
Older bricks were not so functional, they had one goal - to mount  Take a look at 6657-1: Fire-Patrol-Copter from 1985, where fire helicopter is available with the ordinary car windscreen, hinged roof and propellers of the old type. As for the police sets, there was no standalone sets with the helicopter until until 1987. 
Klasyka LEGO
Police Copter from 1986
I have found only one standalone police set with helicopter from 1979! It is a LEGO-645-1 set. It had a place for a pilot and a car windscreen. It hasn't got hinged roof, but still, the cabin is cool, as it was not too common back in those years. Most of the cars had built-in cabin with transparent sloped bricks as windscreen. You can also see previous design of the police helicopter
Klasyka LEGO
Police copter from 1979
included in 6386-1: Police-Command-Base from 1986. In this case, ordinary car windscreen was used also.


Klasyka LEGO
Helicopter's cabin
 The helicopter has a unique two side windows with the 'police' word printed and the extra space inside. It reminds the helicopter from a set of 6392-1: Airport, which had similar side windows.  However, it is additional stash here than the place for a passenger. Walkie-talkie is included, so there is place to put it. In addition, two movable reflectors are mounted on the front. The colors of the helicopter are subordinate to its function. Police colors are immutable, so the choice was prettry simple. White helicopter with black elements. Generally, the model has what it takes to monitor air!

Alternative constructions

Alternative designs on the back of the packaging could not be missing.
There are three original proposals and I present two of my own.
2015, mar 20 19:52 (115 months, 11 days ago) by Rogdush
2016, apr 16 20:11 (102 months, 8 days ago) by Rogdush
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