A few small sets were relreased each year during Town theme. Typically, they were racing cars, sometimes small civilian cars. Rarely, but still there were small public service vehicles released also. Such a small police car has been released in 1989. The small, white-black vehicle without a roof, ideal for patrolling city roads and even better for patrolling the beaches area. It is worth noting that the vehicle has been constructed using standard pattern of Town theme for small vehicles. There are many similar vehicles available in other sets like 6501-1: Sport-Convertible or police equivalent with a roof included in 6540-1: Pier-Police. However, every car is different and we do not find two of the same car in two sets. I suspect that such small sets were selling in big quantities. The price was not high, and a professionally designed small box with a photo of the car and minifigure tempted every kid looking with imploring eyes on their parents. To my surprise, I have not found any presentation in the original catalog, where you can see this police car in action. Nothing lost, I present my own presentation of Hortpund city, where a policeman stops a passing truck to control it.
Hortpund scenery
Truck's check
Alternative constructions
Small sets had usually three alternative proposals and despite the very small amount of bricks available here, we can find three of them at the back of the packaging.We can create two gocarts and the roadblock.