International Jetport

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6396 International Jetport
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LEGO Classic
(48 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Flight
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LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 6d 15h
2015, may 13 15:11

For starters I present the reconstruction of the airport presentation visible at the front page of the instruction and on the front of the packaging, where the helicopter is circulating over the airport and the airplane is just taking off. The small island with palm trees in background could not be missing here.
Klasyka LEGO

Klasyka LEGO
Catalog entry
 This is the second airport released in the history of Lego. The first airport has already been described and it is a Lego 6392. Definitely, this is one of the most interesting sets released at the beginning of the 90s and some time has passed until there was another, because in 1994. However, all airports differ in their purpose and this airport as the name suggests, is international. It has other things in the terminal, like the metal detector or lockers. The set includes baggage cart, reconnaissance helicopter and aircraft. In addition, the runway consisting of four plates with full lighting, weathervane and radar. All of this decorates a large palm tree in front of the terminal and two red flowers. The airport were one of the largest structures released by Lego next to the trains. Mainly due to the runway plates. The airport takes a lot of space and gives a larger area to play. No wonder, that they present very well in the catalogs. The airport can be seen in many scenes in the catalogs from the early 90s, just as in mine, like in Scene-BebrictonSeaport or Aeropolis.
LEGO Classic
Source: 1991eu.pdf Catalogue 1991 EU: Page 10 and 11: Town

Klasyka LEGO
Airport employees

Eight figures are available in the set, 6 employees and 2 passengers:
The pilot - dressed in a black suit with a special marking, He can not be mistaken for someone else. He wears a black cap.
The helicopter pilot - dressed in blue overalls and a blue helmet with a glass.
The guard - dressed in a black uniform with ordinary white garrison cap. Its role is to control passengers at the gate with a metal detector and at the baggage tape.
Klasyka LEGO
 The operator of the tower - a figure dressed in airport suit, white shirt with a drawn plane, blue trousers and black hair. The role of the employee is to undertake communication of airplanes with the control tower.
Cart driver - the driver of the baggage cart is also dressed in a white shirt with a drawn plane and blue trousers, but has a blue cap.
Midfielder - the last worker is dressed just like the driver of baggage cart, his task is to help at the airport in a variety of activities and communicating with the landing airplane through two signal holders manually.
The passengers - two passengers are available here, man and woman. A woman holds one of the coolest old torsos - white shirt with red corals. In addition, brown hair and blue pants. The man, however, is dressed in blue shirt and gray trousers. Passengers have at their disposal four suitcases, two black, one brown and white.


Klasyka LEGO
Luggage cart - slightly improved luggage cart, on small wheels. Improved compared to the previous airport as the trailer is built around, so it better holds suitcases. It is possible to carry even four suitcases at one time.

Reconnaissance Helicopter - made in a new style, with glass in the form of a dome. A small helicopter in yellow and black colors. It does not have additional compartments or place to another passenger. However, it has one unique thing, and this is an additional supporting beam for rear stabilizer wing. Usually there is only one bar in back of the helicopter, this machine has an additional slant one.

Klasyka LEGO
Closer look
 The airplane - a large plane with three seats for passengers. The aircraft was designed in the white and red colors, with a predominance of white. In addition to seats for passengers, there is luggage compartment, which can be opened separately. Access to passenger seats is very easy, because the fusselage opens to the right side with windows. The pilot cockpit does not have a hinged roof, but the aircraft roofs were never hinged, probably because of the small amount of space. However, it is not difficult to remove the roof of the cockpit to put or get out the pilot. The windshield in this airplane is new type with 2 studs instead of 6 as it was in the older version of windscreens (as is the case of the plane from 6392). It is easier to get in or out the pilot with 2 studs only.

The front wheel is rotatable, which sometimes makes it difficult to move in a straight line. Nevertheless, this is a useful feature for easy turning the of aircraft. Large airplanes between sets usually differ in the layout of landgear and engines. Beak, the main wings or rear wing is usually the same. In this case, the above motors are attached to the rear of the fuselage.
A small note: airports airplane from the previous set 6392 was longer and had four passenger seats.

Klasyka LEGO
Terminal - this building is quite spectacular because of the use of large windows. These are not many in Lego sets from Classic period, because it was not much occasion to use them. In this case there is a good reason to use them. The terminal has two exits to the airport. No entrance has been especially made, there are just two exits. You can treat them as entrance or just pretend there is an entrance in the back of the terminal.
Klasyka LEGO
Starting from the left, that is from the room with large windows - it is a waiting room, where one chair is placed and two lockers labeled as 101 and 102. One locker can fit two suitcases. Flight schedule stands on the lockers, which includes some larger cities of several countries, what further underlines the fact that it is international airport. Further to the right is a security guard with a metal detector gate and the baggage tape for transporting luggage outside the building where the employee receives it and transports to the airplane using baggage cart. There is additional clock at the baggage tape.
Two exits from the airport are right here, on the left and right of the baggage tape.
On the roof of the terminal there is a large fenced balcony with railings, where there are two seats. An interesting way for usage of space, giving additional option for flights observation.
From the roof grows one more thing - the control tower! The tower is also made from special glass bricks, through which it is possible to design a fully glazed room on the model of the dome. The operator must see everything what's going on at the airport!
LEGO Classic
Source: 1990uk.pdf Catalogue 1990 UK: Page 14 and 15: Town

I invite you to check out the process of building the airport by construction crew here.
Klasyka LEGO
Lifting roof

Technical curiosities

One thing you need to know about Legos airports. Every airport has different runways! This airport has runways with 7 studs grass on the sides and with a slight half centimeter distance from the runway to the grass. Subsequent airport Century Skyway released in 1994, also has a grass with 7 studs, but there is no additional space from the runway. Runway takes up the entire place between the studs. This is important information, if someone would like to buy runway separately. You have to pay attention, because it may turn out that the plate will not fit. The difference is significant and it is not possible to directly connect the runways together to look good. Look at the picture in the gallery under the title "Runways" to see the difference.
LEGO Classic
Source: 1992uk.pdf Catalogue 1992 UK: Page 30 and 31: Town - Airport

Alternative structures

There is a full range of proposals, from a private airport, through the border crossing to discos or part of the racetrack. More than 500 blocks gives big possibilities and even by yourself you can make a lot of interesting things!
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