Remotely Controlled Airplanes

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6395-2 Remotely Controlled Airplanes LEGO Classic: LEGO 6395-2 Remotely Controlled Airplanes
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LEGO Classic
LEGO Classic
(4 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Flight
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LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 9d 8h
2016, apr 25 14:23
Alternative construction

LEGO Classic
Photo of the packaging
 Is it not indeed an interesting proposal to create remote-controlled aircrafts from the race track? One of the proposals to create a unique design available on the back of the packaging of 6395 set from 1988. The use of multiple small bricks gives a lot of possibilities.
The structure is made up originally of three aircrafts and two-storey broadcasting tower. Two plates were used with places marked for each aircraft. It is possible to create a fourth plane with the number 1 using the remaining bricks. I do not know why it was not included on the packaging presentation. In the end, four places have been marked. Perhaps the designers left it on purpose for everyone to create it yourself, as it seems obvious that fouth one is missing and you still have remaining bricks to create it.
LEGO Classic

The Tower

LEGO Classic
The tower
LEGO Classic
The tower inside
 Broadcasting tower is two-storey high and at the top has four transmitting antennas and large satellite. Aircrafts definitely won't get out of range. The room is full of devices. Computers, display screens and yellow phone as well. 13 figures are available in this set and in this alternative, virtually all have been mixed. Entirely different set of characters is available. You can pick up four characters in caps, who remotely controls the airplanes through shortwaves. However, only three devices are available, so not everyone will be able to control at the same time. In addition, next to the tower is the place for the audience between the barriers, where you can put all figures that left to create quite a number of viewers of aircrafts demonstration.
In summary, this is a unique design. No similar idea was released as normal set. However, as an alternative, this is most interesting proposal and another example of how you can use bricks included in the Lego set of 80s in completely different purpose.
Primary set and other alternatives:
Sceneries with this set included:
2016, apr 25 02:10 (102 months, 21 hours ago) by Rogdush
2016, apr 25 14:23 (102 months, 9 hours ago) by Rogdush
10 times
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