Police Command Base

LEGO Classic: LEGO 6386 Police Command Base
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LEGO Classic
(17 votes)
LEGO Classic: Town LEGO Classic: Police
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LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 3d 19h
2016, jul 22 21:58

LEGO Classic
Catalog entry
The police is very important part of each city as a service established to maintain order. Otherwise, surely you would find at least a several people who wants to destroy something without any respect for someone else's property or work. There is no doubt that this kind of service is required. The designers of LEGO, ofcourse knew that and they could not make a town without police station. Reviewed set here is not the first with police building. Generally, police sets appeared in a large number of smaller or bigger sets even in 70s. In Town theme, which dates back to the early 80's and ends in 1998, 30 police sets can be found combined. However, keep in mind that the last 4 sets released in 1998, are Juniorised, and those Lego sets no longer fit the style of previously published vehicles or buildings. Town theme really finished in 1996 year. In the picture below, you can find almost all police sets of the 80s Town theme. More images of this presentation can be seen here along with history of the police sets from 80s.
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Most of the sets from 80s near the police command base
The first building of the police appeared in the set released in 1972 - LEGO-354-1.
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Previous police station sets
It was a small building with a helicopter landing pad with a tower and a car. Those were the days when there was no figures yet and the windows of vehicles were built of transparent bricks. The next building appeared in 1976 in a set of LEGO-370-1, when the first attempts were made to create mini-figures. They had no decorations or face, or moving arms or legs. They were quite limited. The buildings were not in proportion to the figures, but had windows and doors. Normal windows began to appear in the vehicles, but the cabins are still not there. You could say that it was better, but still lack of proportion dazzled the eyes and the lack of adequate space for the driver or pilot. Another building was released three years later in a set of LEGO-381-1. It was the first police station with the correct proportions of both the building and vehicles. The helicopter had even correct position for the pilot. Although the motor was terribly odd, because the attempt was made to create one out of ordinary bricks. Unfortunately, bricks are too wide to create such a narrow single track vehicle. Fortunately, this idea was discontinued and bikes of this type were quickly replaced by popularized smaller version in the form of one part with mounted wheels. The first set containing the command police base, which already had everything in an appropriate form and proportions was released with 6384-1: Police-Station in 1983 year. Police car had adequate proportions to the figures, a helicopter with the correct position for the pilot and gray motor in the form of a new one part. It is safe to say that in this set was based on standards used for the next long years. However, it is not the end, because just three years later a new police station were released, which is reviewed here. You will notice that the buildings of police were present in LEGO sets for a long time. You can see how LEGO was improving elements and proportions of buildings and vehicles through the years until they reached perfect state in the beggining of the 90s.
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Next police station sets in Town theme
Ofcourse, police building in 1986 was not the last, and another one appeared in 1991. 6541-1: Intercoastal-Seaport was an unique precinct with pier and boats included. Just 2 years later, the largest and highest police station 6398-1: Central-Precinct-HQ set consisting of 615 bricks was released. Two vehicles, motorcycle, quite large helicopter with a three-storey building are impressive and present very well in an urban environment. The last police building in Town theme emerged with a set of 6598-1: Metro-PD-Station. It stood out from the others because it had a separate building with a prison designed to be built on an island in the distance. The convict could be transported by special boat which was available in the set also. Lots of police sets were available in Town theme. You can see how many police stations was relelased. Add a large number of small sets of police vehicles, boats and helicopters to it.
Police command base reviewed here appeared in virtually every town scene at the end of the 80s. It can be seen in many scenes in catalogs and flyers. I will try to present the most of them. The following presentation of a boat floating on the water has the police building in the background. The next picture shows the the city center, where the police station is in the foreground for a change.
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Source: Brickset.com 1987eu3.pdf Catalogue 1987 EU III: Page 8 and 9
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Source: Brickset.com 1987uk2.pdf Catalogue 1987 UK II: Page 18 and 19

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The packaging with the bricks in perforated bags
 The packaging is in a standard size for the average set: (width, height, length) 11.3 x 13.1 x 2.4 inches or 28.6 x 33.3 x 6.0 cm. The dimensions of the box are forced by the baseplate of 10x10 inches / 25,6x25,6 cm size - 32x32 studs. One of the coolest things in the old sets is raised front flap, which after opening we could see the interior of the packaging behind the transparent foil and an additional set of presentations on the inner side of the flap. Bricks in plastic bags in the picture above are not originally packed, it is not MISB. I used some of the original perforated bags which I have to make the presentation better. Those bags are unique and can be identified with LEGO bricks. More images of the packaging can be seen here. Transparent plastic board with grooves should be located at the top of the drawer for couple of elements and figures, which is visible behind the transparent foil when you raise the front flap. Unfortunately, I do not possess one so I can't present it here. Alternative ideas are presented on the back of the packaging, about which you can find more information at the bottom of the review.
The police station appeared in the 1988 year at least in three catalog's presentations, what is very often. The building was present on virtually any town presentation in those days. 
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Source: Brickset.com 1988uk.pdf Catalogue 1988 UK: Page 12 and 13: Town
LEGO Classic
Source: Brickset.com 1988uk.pdf Catalogue 1988 UK: Page 14 and 15: Town

Vehicles and the helicopter

The set has two motorcycles available, off-road jeep and a helicopter. This is quite an interesting combination. The team can be used in the role of a police escort, but they can chase suspects on land and in the air as well.
LEGO Classic
 Motorcycles - it is worth noting that they have red rims, because most of the motorcycles has transparent rims in Town theme. The rear trunk has "police" inscription on both sides, so no one can have any doubt who drives the bike. In addition to standard lights, which are yellow at the front and red at the rear, a flashing blue light and antenna has been mounted at the back. Both officers are dressed in a black suit with a badge on chest and white helmets of the old type without the transparent visor.
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 Jeep - four-wheeled vehicle available in this set is an off-road vehicle on large tires. Like the motorcycle, it has the "police" inscription on both sides, but this time on the doors. Front hood is openable up and two blue lights are mounted on the roof. The vehicle has a small luggage space in the black trunk at the back, where he carries the red warning bollard with red light on top. Garage at the police station with sectional doors opening up is designed just for this jeep.

LEGO Classic
 Helicopter - on the roof of the building, just above the garage a special helicopter landing pad was built, where the big red letter H is visible. Black helicopter has a place inside for a pilot only. There is no additional space for luggage or even a shortwave. The cabin is openable up along with the windscreen. Flat bricks were installed under the windshield, so opening the cabin is smooth and easy. Helicopters with the cabin in the form of a dome were built a year later. Despite the lack of use of the new windows, the helicopter looks quite well. It has a skids, built-cabin, ability to open it, the position for the pilot, rotating main propeller on top, rotating small rear propeller for stabilization and even two exhaust pipes at the rear. The shape of the aircraft is adequate and has everything needed in appropriate proportions. The lights are missing at the front of the cabin only. There are two red lights on the upper propeller and necessarily one on the tail to make it visible at night. Big "police" inscription could not be missing here. It was placed on both sides of the tail bar.
Please note that any vehicle on both sides or even a building has a proper inscription. Similarly, the rest of the medical sets or even firefighters, each vehicle and the building is very well marked and from afar you know immediately what is the purpose of the object. This is one of the less obvious details that play a significant role in the scenery of the city and allows us to identify all buildings and vehicles at first glance.
The following presentation from the 1988 year presents a small town with the use of the most interesting sets of the late 80s. It is one of several presentations that I was able to reconstruct. More can be seen in Retor-Town.
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Source: Brickset.com 1988eu3.pdf Catalogue 1988 EU III: Page 14 and 15: Town
The building

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The building outside
 The police station is a modest two-story building. It has all what you need and nothing else. The whole is glassed by high windows with distinctive white stripes at the bottom. All police stations starting from this will have such a windows. Black and white building has an entrance door in the middle, a prison cell, a garage for jeep with sectional doors, large white helicopter landing pad with a red letter H and a large raised and rotating white satellite dish on the roof. Megaphone is also present on the roof just like in the fire station building. Making voice commands for all policemen surrounding the building is not a problem. The "police" word is visible above the front door and you can not fail to notice it or confuse the function of the people wokring in this place.
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Four police officers are working at the police station. It seems one too little, because there is no one to be in the command center! Every policeman has his vehicle. Two motorcyclists, driver of the jeep and helicopter's pilot. Who is meant to stay inside the building and control the action? One of the officers need to stay, but this disallows to take advantage of all the vehicles in action. The choice of suits in the 80s was not too varied. All characters have the same head and legs were always in one color. Differences appeared in torsos and headdress. However, the choice was not too big here as well. Two police torsors were available. Overalls with a badge or a suit with a badge, which we can observe here.
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The building inside
Three overalls and one suit. Headgear is of course a helmet for motorcyclists and the pilot. Helmet of an old type without the visor. The jeep driver already has a white cap with a narrow peak.The interior of the building is as always modest. It has only what is needed. The reception desk is on the ground floor, where all the victims and other people can report a crime. Red flashlight and fire extinguisher are hung on two holders inside near the garage. However, the second floor is filled with hardware. Two swivel chairs for police officers operating the command base. Two computers are here, the center of the recordings, shortwave and large blue speaker. The doors are located here on the garage's roof, where helipad is located.
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The prison cell
That's not all, because the prison cell is on the right side for temporarily detained as a suspect before being taken to a hearing and possibly later to prison. Interior is quite simple as befits for the cell. The bed, a small table and a cup. Bars in the room have been cleverly built using barriers.
Finally, the whole building with vehicles and helicopter is presented below located in the Mud-Racing scenery.
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On stations
In summary, the building even though it is modest it has everything you need for efficient play in catching and keeping criminals. One or two police officers are missing to remain in the command base, but on the other hand, not everyone needs to go on the action at the same time. The building presents very good in each scenery, as can be seen in the following presentations, which are available in catalogs from the 1989 and 1990 year. I was able to reconstruct the racetrack from 1989 year as a G-Prex-Circuit scenery.
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Source: Brickset.com 1989uk4.pdf Catalogue 1989 UK IV: Page 14 and 15: Town
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Source: Brickset.com 1990uk.pdf Catalogue 1990 UK: Page 16 and 17: Town
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G-Prex Circuit
I invite you to watch the gallery of the precinct building process available here. It was organized by the construction chief.
Alternative constructions

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Alternative command baze
 Almost 400 bricks are available in this set. It should be noted that most of the bricks are universal and even 1x1 panels at the height of the floors are made of ordinary bricks. This gives more possibilities and we can see some interesting ideas at the back of the packaging as a two-story house, three story building or a one-story police command center with garage and cell. This was definitely one of the best fetures of classic LEGO sets, which unfortunately begins to be increasingly forgotten.
Alternative sets:
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