
LEGO Classic: Gebrimont - Foresville Village

Foresville Village

2019, jan 13 16:14
Scenery designer:
LEGO Classic
Place: Poland
Joined: 2015, jan 21
Seen: 6d 9h

It's a pleasure to present Gebrimont county with the first part of Foresville. Railways play an important role here, as the train is the main method of communication with the rest of the world. There is a small railway station, which in this case is definitely enough.
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Train station
The train is on its way to collect waiting passengers.
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Incoming train
In the village there are two cottages of two families Johnsons and Laziners.
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Johnson's House

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Laziner's leisure house

In the city there are two small houses for rent, which are often visited by locals for recreational purposes.
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Leisure homes for rent

In the forest, a group of teenagers organize a barbecue. There is no sausage, but they like square steaks apparently.
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Barbeque in the forest

The workers are exchanging tracks for a new one in hurry before the departure of the train. The chief will see to it!
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Express track maintenance

That's it in this part of Gebrimont county. I invite you for next part soon!
2019, jan 13 15:30 (73 months, 14 days ago) by Rogdush
2022, jan 10 03:46 (37 months, 1 day ago) by Rogdush
3 times
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