New project! Check it out!

2023, feb 5 21:55
LEGO Classic
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New project\! Check it out\!

I haven't been very active in the classics lately, but I'm still active in the LEGO bricks.
The classics, of course, are still important to me and I would treat it more as a break.

Further part of article

I realize there's plenty of material on classic sets on YT or many other sites. I tried to present the classics in my own way and maintain the same atmosphere by giving something from myself in each scenery. Whether by building my own structures or creating infrastructure and ground.
The interest is rather negligible sadly, so over time the encouragement and motivation also decreased.
However, I'm glad that I managed to present quite a lot of sets from the LEGO classics and you can see them on the website at any time and easily browse the sorted database or just browse randomly through the images.

Recently, the LEGO group has released very interesting sets. Starting with the Galaxy Cruiser 10497 or the excellent castle 10305 (parts of which were in the last scenery, although I don't know if anyone noticed). I had to see both sets and that's what happened. Those are very solid constructions and refer to the classics very well. Galaxy Cruiser is an interesting construction based on LEGO-928. The ship is obviously bigger, but the bricks currently available on the market are used in an interesting way to create slanted shapes. I won't dwell too much on this subject because I could write a separate review about it.

I just wanted to point out that in part it inspired me to create a new project. I've been a fan of LOTR for a very long time as well as the MMORPG LOTRO game. Therefore, it had to happen eventually. The idea sprouted and I want to build something interesting from Middle-earth from time to time. However, I dont want to create just some small cut out structures from the most interesting moments of the movie, such as Amon Sul or a tree from Minas Tirith. I want to create something more and for now I took the Bree Town on the target.
I want to create at least a piece of the town here. Each element will be on a new 48x48 baseplate and I already have some ideas. I suspect that every fan of classic LEGO likes castles from that period. I want to use the new bricks currently available on the market to build Middle-earth, but I think I will keep some of the similar atmosphere of the old castle buildings.

I also don't want to mix topics, because Clabrisic is meant for LEGO classics from 80-96 years only. Even if any MOC will appear here, it will be using bricks available from that period and in the same atmosphere of the classics sets. That's why I decided to create a new website where I will present my buildings from Middle-earth.

The gate to Bree Town is available already!
Feel free to check !
Leave your comment please, tell me what you think about this project :)

Best regards!
Modified 2023, feb 5 21:58 by Rogdush
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